Month: October 2014

Walking Each Other Home

This is just the truth. This is our purpose.

The Atidecrem Life Project

20141029-223637.jpg“We’re all just walking each other home.” –Ram Dass

A good friend, J, shared this quote with me a few days ago, and I was reminded of it again today.

If we could just change our perspective or how we see things, we are reminded that we are all, in this life, helping each other out. Whether we are learning a lesson (so we can become better people) from or with someone or we help someone else… We are just “walking each other home.”

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Stanchart Marathon 2014

Hi all!

I did the 10km marathon on Sunday!

My training was not up to par, so i was always aware that i would not run but walk. The point was that i was going to do it and finish it!

The sun was out bright and early this year, 7 am, the crowd was big and it was a bit scary watching some two guys do stretches, jumping around and jogging, i put them in the semi elite category and proceeded to ignore them and i went on with my lunges, arm and leg stretches.

I met an old lady that i walked with last year. So with my head phones on, my friends and her daughter by my side i set off up Uhuru Highway.

It was not as brutal as i thought it would be but it was tough.
Towards the last 1 km i began to feel blisters forming and i could not wait to finish!
I was looking around and i saw one or two women in make up running and/or walking. The sight made me balk.
I mean, what is up with that! You looked like you were dead or dying or very very sick! Ugh! Please spare us that look again. It is not attractive.

There were some fit looking men..rrrr! I hope to see you next year. Motivation if ever i needed it *wink!

Next year i will have a sun hat/cap. The sun in my eyes was no fun.

Maybe next year i will do the 21km….let’s wait and see.

Training never stops so let’s keep fit people!

Last Quarter of the Year

The year is winding down, Christmas is upon us and Stanchart marathon is 5 days away.

This is a time to look back and reflect on the year, lessons , joys, pains and everything in between.

Don’t wait till Thanksgiving or Christmastime to help a family or a person in need. Or thank someone.  Do it now. There is no time like the present.