Month: September 2013


There are no words to describe what happened at the Westgate Mall over the weekend.

My cousin was in there and luckily she got out unhurt. Many more weren’t so lucky.

This event continues to haunt me and i suppose it will for months to come.

I will however say this of my country:

We stepped up when we needed to. We helped where we could.

We are in this together. We will heal together.

To the heroes, military, police, foreign military and civilians, we celebrate you every day. Don’t stop what you do.

To those we lost, we live every day for you.

Rest in Peace.


We pick up the pieces and start again.

And we will win!

New Beginnings

Hello *waves*

Yesterday, my sister and i went on a run and it was great! Except for the part where i kept on stopping and doing power walks every few minutes.

As a result i am in a GREAT MOOD this day 🙂

I have been looking for more and more ways to occupy my time and to keep busy (it seems like work is not enough especially when it comes to night time)

So i found out about a fitness boot camp that will be happening right up my alley and boy am i excited about it!!They talk about dynamic stretching , yoga, plyometrics ( no idea what that is), weight and object lifting…sounds daunting but i will try and do it!

I will tell you more about it next week.

It is a stone that kills more than one bird for me.

One of my best friends is getting married in two months time (YAAY!) So we get to help each other out with our fitness goals (for different reasons but who cares), support each other and cheer each other on.

There is a lot happening in Nairobi this weekend: Safari 7s and the Story Moja Hay Festival as well as all the errands i need to run..ugh.. I hope i will finish them on time to get to at least one of the events.

I hope you have a great weekend whatever you decide to do.

Keep smiling 🙂 🙂

Hair and Fitness

So in the quest for fitness i have come up with a challenge: How to handle my hair during work out sessions.

I have seen lots of ladies with sweatbands to catch the sweat and prevent it from getting into the eyes, but my question has always been how to handle the sweat from the middle of the head..

One thing i have learnt is that it is essential to clean the scalp after working out because the sweat build up, oil and bacteria could cause eruptions on the face or an itchy scalp. Not good.

What  i have found that works for me is to leave it out in the open. (Washing dreadlocks after every workout session is not practical)

First things first, you could tie a sweatband. For those with long hair you could tie it in a loose bun and then let it air out afterwards. You could also wash it out with plain water-depends on how fast your hair dries though.

Alternatively, you could rinse it out with plain water, tie some twists and then undo them in a few hours or the next day.

There is also the option of using water and tea tree oil in a spray bottle or a mild shampoo, and then spritzing it into your hair after a session. Tea tree oil has great anti bacterial properties that is a plus to your scalp. A massage will also be beneficial. I hope this helps you during your fitness sessions. 🙂 



Today is World Grandparents Day.

So in a really special way i have to give a special shout out to these special people.

My grand dad, i miss you every day. I still remember all that you taught us and let us learn in the farm. You and Grandma/cucu you taught us the joy of eating together, playing together and singing together. My cousins will treasure those memories and try to recreate them with our grandkids one day.

Grandma Nairobi, you taught me what it means to be a lady living in the city. From your own experiences to watching me in my relationships. I will always hold the advice you gave me close to my heart.

I would not be who i am if i didn’t have you in my life.

I thank God for you everyday.

I love you.


I recently broke up with my beau.

It was hard. Very.

But it had to be done.

We had been fighting and making up a lot and it appeared to me that we both wanted to be together a lot but for some reason we just kept falling short of the other’s expectations and the promises that we had made each other.  We were both unhappy. Had been for a long time.

It was time to end.

I look back on the relationship and there are many  many lessons i will take with me until the end of my days. In particular i learned what it actually means to compromise and not just throw the word around. Forgiveness too is a big lesson.

To you sir, i wish you the best and i will always support you.



I’m Back!

Oh my days!!!

Is that how long i have been away??! *gasp*

I will try my hardest not to be gone so long again.

I have come into a new season of my life and it has taken some adjusting. Getting out of a bad situation and into a new head space can take a lot out of you, but it brings a lot of good energy in and i am riding that high i tell ya.

I’m feeling good and it shows. Everyone is complimenting me on my glowing face and smiley disposition. (Thank you guys!)

I have also continued with my fitness regimen of running and trying to eat right. Keyword:trying

I will fill you in on more as the days go by.

Keep Smiling.Image