Category: Self Love

Motivation Monday

Y’all I was minding my business today. Yesterday I sat down and did a to do list for today and I had settled down to get to it. I was already feeling proud of myself when a friend N, got in touch asking and explaining why he needed an accountability partner. Of course I listened. I’m a good friend like that.

We’ve shared our plans with each other and now we have to keep to it and check in regularly.

Fast forward to the afternoon and my Team captain D reaches out and asks me to help him with some club admin stuff. We’ve talked about my goals and how I am working on them. He’s seen me working towards my goals and likes my ideas for the club. He likes my fire and drive.

It’s great and I am thankful for the accountability partners. Now I have more impetus to keep at it and be a better person cos we know once you start working on one part of your life, the rest the other parts also get aligned.

The story of my myemectomy surgery

For a long time I had been feeling something hard in my stomach area and I noticed it was growing.
I got ill in August, I thought it was food poisoning but it scared me. I saw a doctor, had an ultrasound done and he recommended that I go for a second opinion.
I did, and I was told that I have to do surgery.
I quickly organized things at work, flew home and saw the doctor and we agreed on the date of surgery.
I was not in any pain but it was becoming uncomfortable to bend for too long or sleep on my stomach because I’d get back pains and my period would take 6 days one month, 4 days the next and 5 days another instead of the usual 3. Also I’d go to the toilet a lot more frequently than I knew it should be.

*before surgery*
I was wheeled in to theatre and put to sleep. In hospital, before they did anything they told me what they were going to do and how it would affect me.. Except details of the surgery.

*after surgery*
I woke up, groggy, numb, thirsty and in pain.
They asked me how I was feeling and I was given a painkiller, wheeled to my bed and they explained that I had been given blood and they’d keep coming to give me water and painkillers.
I had also been fitted with a catheter and that was how I would go to the toilet.
The nurses were amazing, they really helped with my pain management and positive mindset. They didn’t tire of my many questions and I had many; I almost became a student nurse lol
When I left hospital they explained why I had to take each medicine and when.
You are encouraged to start walking soon after surgery to get the muscles to recover faster, drink lots of water and rest; and I really do feel a great change after walking and napping.

It is 4 weeks since my surgery and my body can’t wait to get out and run and workout again.. I am recovering faster than expected…. Working out really helps in such situations…also I really cannot keep still. It was really hard to stay indoors.

For the first week I had to rest as much as I could so as to give my body ample time to recover from the trauma. Plus I was walking hunched over and really slow. In time, I got faster and straighter. The first time I slept on my stomach was two weeks after surgery and it felt sooo gooooddd 😁😁

My darling mum dropped everything to be with me,my dad slaughtered a chicken for me and made me chicken soup. Parents are special humans ♥️♥️

Am I glad I did it, YES!
I have realized even before surgery that so many women have been prescribed this mode of treatment but for whatever reason they haven’t taken it.
So many people have been telling me “Even me I did it/I have been told to do it/I have heard rumors that they must remove the uterus/you won’t wake up/My sister/cousin/aunt did it and they are so happy now”
I am happy to share my experience knowing that everyone’s experience is different but if I can ease someone’s anxiety, then that means that they are closer to having a better quality of life.

I’d advise everyone to get checked out yearly. There is no harm in that, plus you’d rather they found something sooner rather than later.


#openmyemectomy #selflove #myemectomysurgery #selfcare


via Daily Prompt: Aware

I’m still here dear reader, been suffering from block in some parts of my life as well as busyness.

I’ve made a conscious choice to get out of this block, taking it a day at a time.

Today i was thinking of how i missed my life of two years ago. I would have had a swig of vodka, a book handy (no laptops and wifi to distract me) and my friends a phone call away and we’d be laughing in under a minute. But back then i was wishing for this life i have now and that makes me ungrateful for what i have now, right? So, i now sit and make myself happy when i see how far  i’ve come and achieved most of what i wanted to.

So i’m beginning to think bigger dreams and keep some others going.

But first i thank the Good Lord for bringing me this far and answering my prayers in bigger ways than i asked for and prayed for.

I’d like to think that no matter how badly your day or life is going right now, you have at least 2 things to be thankful for (like your good health, family..) Plus, you have survived 100% of your bad days and that is a good reason to smile and show yourself some love.


PS: Be grateful for what you have and work for what you want.